633 (5) Star Reviews on    "Sydney's Leading Truck Driver Trainers"
  • 98% PASS RATE
  • WE ARE FLUENT IN : Hindi, Punjabi, Sri lankan, Urdu & English
It always feels busy along Close Street, Charles Street, Broughton Street and Bondi Road (and the surrounding streets). And as a major arterial route, the Bondi Road is full of vehicular activity. That level of activity is expected to get denser because of future commercial developments (more offices and shops are sure to sprout in the coming years).

But no matter the level of progress Bondi will still retain its identity as long as the Bondi Park Racecourse and Mary MacKillop Reserve are still here. The green will never go away as well as the hubs where people gather (e.g. the racecourse attracts thousands because of the horse racing carnivals).


Bondi truck driving courses
The growth of Bondi results to more opportunities. It’s especially the case in truck and bus driving. Because of the growing population and demand for goods, it’s natural that the growth in transport sector will follow suit. More commercial activity spells more opportunities for the bus and truck drivers (plus having a healthy and sustainable career).

To best take advantage of those opportunities, here at Gru Driving School we provide 1-day training courses that help drivers prepare for proper and safe navigation on busy roads. With our training courses we can help you gain or upgrade to one of the following licences:

If necessary, additional lessons will be provided so that drivers can ensure safety while on the road. Whether it’s a small truck, prime mover, float, low loader, pig trailer, heavy general freight vehicle or a public passenger vehicle, we will teach you the ins and outs of the vehicle you need to master.

30+ Years and qualified instructors
People choose us because of our high passing rate (> 80%) and priority on safety. We also have qualified and success-oriented instructors who are fluent in Hindi, Punjabi, Sri Lankan, Urdu and English.

For more than 30 years we’ve established a solid reputation in providing comprehensive and safety-oriented truck and bus driving courses. We also make it easier for our clients to complete the courses because we provide flexible scheduling. Through those 30+ years we’ve already worked with the following students:

  • Beginners or people who are entering the workforce as a truck or bus driver
  • Current bus or truck drivers who want to refresh their skills and/or upgrade to a higher licence
  • Professionals from other fields who want to shift to a new career

Contact us today here at GRU Driving School if you require a comprehensive and excellent truck or bus driving course. Our reputation and success depends on the drivers who take our courses, which is why your success is our commitment.

Call Us Today!!! 0488 070 043  /  0456 381 743